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In 2014 I spent many hours, over a few months, sitting in the operating rooms of a hospital in Sheffield, England, drawing the surgical team as they worked. My interest in doing this came from my own professional background as a surgical care practitioner (where I operated alongside the surgeons within cardiac and vascular) and as a researcher in surgical education research.
The operating room is a somewhat closed environment within the hospital setting and artistic depiction of the surgical team at work is very rare. The intention of my drawings was as a spontaneous response to what was happening within the operating room in real time. Some are little more than a few lines drawn in seconds, whilst others are far more involved in their execution and took much of the surgical procedure to draw. As I sat within the operating room drawing, I often felt that the calm intensity of my artistic endeavour was energetically at one with the surgical team I was drawing.
Completing the project was an absolute privilege for which I will be forever grateful to all the patients who gave their consent for me to be present during their surgical procedures.
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